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We publish multidisciplinary research bridging energy, materials, bionics, and fundamental science

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P. C. Sherrell et. al., Chemical Society Reviews, 2022,

This review article combines beautiful discussion and imagery of the piezoelectric effect with a broad discussion of calculated, and experimentally measured piezoelectricity from 2D crystals. We discuss the ways to enhance or induce electromechanical energy harvesting via defects, heterostructuring, twisting, functionalising, and combinations thereof - and provide a perspective for how machine learning can enable interpretation and prediction of this massive variety of tools. 


P. C. Sherrell et. al., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021,

This research article probes how contact electrification (the triboelectric effect) is influenced by the cohesive energy density of 196 polymer combinations. We show conclusively that the direction of charge generation is proportional to the difference in cohesive energy density for the two polymers, and extrapolate this into polymer-glass, and polymer-liquid metal systems. 


A. Sutka et. al., Advanced Materials, 2020,

This essay discusses the conflation between triboelectricity and piezoelectricity in polymer systems. We break down where triboelectric contributions to measured current can come from, and propose how to eliminate it for more accurate reporting. By simple calculations, we show that the measured values for many literature reports cannot come from purely piezoelectric phenomena, and this needs to be considered by the field as a whole. 


P. C. Sherrell et. al., ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019,

This original research article describes using chemical vapour deposition to grow MoS2/WS2 heterostructures in a single step using a gold substrate. The exceptional crystal quality, interfaces, and large area enable a high photocurrent to be produced for oxygen production, with an IPCE of 1.6%

Full Bibliography


Sutka, A., Lapcinskis, L., He, D., Kim, J., Berry, J., Bai, J., Knite, M., Ellis, A. V., Jeong, C-K., and Sherrell, P. C., ‡ “Engineering Polymer Interfaces: A Review Towards Controlling Triboelectric Surface Charge”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300323

Šutka, A., Mālnieks, K., Zubkins, M., Plūdons, A., Šarakovskis, A., Verners, O., Eglītis, and Sherrell, P. C.,‡ “Tribovoltaic Performance of TiO2 Thin Films: Crystallinity, Contact Metal, and Thermoelectric Effects”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c05830

Leon, R., Sherrell, P. C.,‡ Sutka, A., and Ellis, A. V., “Decoupling Piezoelectric and Triboelectric Signals from PENGs Using the Fast Fourier Transform”, Nano Energy, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108445

Taha, M, Balendhran, S., Sherrell, P. C., Kirkwood, N., Wen, D., Wang, S., Meng, J., Bullock, J., Crozier, K. B., and Sciacca, L., “Infra-Red Modulation Based on Near Room-Temperature Phase Transition of Vanadium Oxide Complexes and Their Silica Core-Shells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Accepted, 03/2023, DOI: 10.1039/d2ta09753b


Linarts, A., Sherrell, P. C.,‡ Malneiks, K., Ellis, A. V., and Sutka, A., “Electrospinning Triboelectric Laminates: A Pathway for Scaling Energy Harvesters”, Small, Accepted, Online, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202205563 [Top 10 most accessed article in Small, January 2023]


Ehrnst, Y., Sherrell, P. C., Rezk, A., and Yeo, L., “Acoustically-Induced Water Frustration for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Neutral Electrolytes”, Advanced Energy Materials, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202203164 [Most accessed article in Advanced Energy Materials in January, February 2023, Top 10 most accessed article for 2022]


Bokhari, S., Ellis, A., Uceda, M., Wei, S., Pope, M., Zhu, S., Gao, W., Sherrell, P. C., “Nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide/MoS2 ‘nanoflower’ composites for high-performance supercapacitors”, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2022.105935


Verners. O., Lapcinskis, L., Germane, L., Kasikov, A., Timusk, M., Pudzs, K., Ellis, A., Sherrell, P. C.,‡ and Sutka, A., “Smooth polymers charge negatively: Controlling contact electrification polarity in polymers”, Nano Energy, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j,nanoen.2022.107914


Corletto, A., Ellis, A. V., Shepelin, N. A., Fronzi, M., Winkler, D., Shapter, J. G., and Sherrell, P. C.,‡ “Energy Interplay in Materials: Unlocking Next Generation Synchronous Multisource Energy Conversion with 2D Crystals”, Advanced Materials, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202203849

Fu, J., Cai, C., Zhang, Z., Wang, X., Wang, C., Xu, S., Wu, H., Zhao, Y., Zhang, C., Zhu, J., Zhao, X., Xu, R., Wang, M., Sherrell, P. C., and Chen, J., “Free-standing sulfonated graphene-polypyrrole-polyethylene glycol foam for highly flexible supercapacitors”, Polymer, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2022.125168


Imtiaz, B., Sherrell, P. C., Barlow, A. J., Shepelin, N. A., Kentish, S. E., Khan, M. Y., and Ellis, A. V., “Non-templated manufacturing of patterned fluoropolymer membranes via immersion precipitation printing”, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2022.103017


Sherrell, P. C.,‡ Fronzi, M., Shepelin, N. A., Corletto, A., Winkler, D., Ford, M., Shapter, J. G., and Ellis, A. V., “A Bright Future for Engineered Piezoelectric 2D Crystals”, Chemical Society Reviews¸ 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D1CS00844G


Chen, J., Wu, J., Sherrell, P. C., Chen, J., Wang, H., Zhang, W-X., and Yang, J., “How to Build a Microplastics-free Environment: Strategies for Microplastics Degradation and Plastics Recycling”, Advanced Science, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202103764 – [Top 15 Most Accessed Article in Advanced Science in January 2022, Top 20 Most accessed article for all of 2022]


Ehrnst, Y., Ahmed, H., Komljenovic, R., Massahud, E., Shepelin, N. A., Sherrell, P. C., Ellis, A. V., Rezk, A. R., and Yeo, L. Y., “Acoustotemplating: Rapid Synthesis of Freestanding Quasi-2D MOF/Graphene Oxide Heterostructures for Supercapacitor Applications”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D1TA10493D


Guo, X., Wang, Y., Elbourne, A. J., Mazumder, A., Nguyen, C., Krishnamurthi, V., Yu J., Sherrell, P. C., Daeneke, T., Walia, S., and Zavabeti, A., “Doped 2D SnS Materials Derived from Liquid Metal Solution for Tuneable Optoelectronic Devices”, Nanoscale, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2NR01135B – 2022 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection


Sutka, A., Lapcinskis, L., Verners, O., Germane, L., Smits, K., Pludons, A., Gaidukovs, S., Jerane, I., Zubkins, M., Sherrell, P. C., Blums, J., “Bio-inspired macromolecular ordering of elastomers for enhanced contact electrification and triboelectric energy harvesting”, Advanced Materials Technologies¸ 2022, DOI: 10.1002/admt.202200162


Zhang, F., Sherrell, P. C., Luo, W., Chen, J., Li, W., Yang, J., Zhu, and Zhu, M., “Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Fibers: Controllable Architectures for Electrochemcial Energy Applications”, Advanced Science, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202102859


Sherrell, P. C.,* Sutka, A., Shepelin, N. A., Lapcinskis, L., Verners, O., Germane, L., Timusk, M., Fenati, R. A., Malnieks, K., and Ellis, A. V., “Probing Contact Electrification: A Cohesively Sticky Problem”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c13100


Vanags, M., Mezule, L., Spule, a., Kostjukovs, J., Smits, K., Tamm, A., Juhna, T., Vihodceva, S., Kaambre, T., Baumane, L., Zacs, D., Vasiliev, G., Turks, M., Mierina, I., Sherrell, P. C.,*  and Sutka, A, “Rapid Catalytic Water Disinfection from Earth Abundant Ca2Fe2O5 Brownmillerite”, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2021,  DOI: 10.1002.adsu.202100130


Booth, M. A., Pope, L., Sherrell, P. C., Stacey, A., Tran, P. A., and Fox, K. E., “Polycrystalline diamond coating on 3D printed titanium scaffolds: Surface characterisation and foreign body response” Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2021.112467


Fronzi, M., Isayev, O., Winkler, D. A., Shapter, J. G., Ellis, A. V., Sherrell, P. C., Shepelin, N. A., Corletto, A., and Ford, M. J., “Active Learning in Bayesian Neural Networks for Bandgap Predictions of Novel Van der Walls Heterostructures”, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202100080


Li, J., Shepelin, N. A., Sherrell, P. C.,* and Ellis, A. V., “Poly(dimethylsiloxane) for Triboelectricity – From Mechanisms to Practical Strategies”, Chemistry of Materials¸ 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c01275


Imtiaz, B., Shepelin, N. A., Sherrell, P. C., Kentish, S. E., and Ellis, A. V., “Direct Ink Writing of Dehydrofluorinated Poly(vinylidene difluoride) for Microfiltration Membrane Fabrication”, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119347


Fenati, R., Sherrell, P. C.,* Khodakov, D., Shapter, J. G., Ellis, A. V., “Spatially isolated redox processes enabled by ambipolar charge transport in multi-walled carbon nanotube mats”, Materials Horizons, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0MH01967D


Qiang, R, Wang, H., Xu, K., Yuan, Q., Yu, Y., Li, L., Wang. J., Zheng, L., Sherrell, P. C., Chen, J., and Xi, X “Available active sites on ε-Fe3N nanoparticles synthesized by a facile route for hydrogen evolution reaction”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/admi.202100070


Shepelin, N. A., Sherrell, P. C., Skountzos, E. N., Goudeli, E., Zhang, J., Lussini, V. C., Imtiaz, B., Usman, K. A. S., Dicinoski, G. W., Shapter, J. G., Razal, J. M., Ellis, A. V., “Interfacial piezoelectric polarization locking in printable Ti3C2Tx MXene fluoropolymer composites”, Nature Communications, 2021, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23341-3


Liu, Y., Wang, H., Sherrell, P. C., and Chen, J., “Potentially Wearable Thermo- electrochemical Cells for Body Heat Harvesting : From Mechanism, Materials, Strategies to Applications”, Advanced Science, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202100669


Šutka, A., Sherrell, P. C., Shepelin, N. A., Lapčinskis, L., Mālnieks, K., and Ellis, A. V., “Measuring Piezoelectric Output—Fact or Friction?”, Advanced Materials, 2020. DOI:  10.1002/adma.202002979


Song, W., Scholtis, E. S., Sherrell, P. C., Tsang, D. H. K., Ngiam, J., Lischner, J., Fearn, S., Bemmer, V. L., Mattevi, C., Klein, N., Xie, F., Riley, J. D., “Electronic Structure Influences on the Formation of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0EE01825B

Liu, Y., Zhang, S., Zhou, Y., Buckingham, M. A., Aldous, L., Sherrell, P. C., Wallace, G. G., Chen, J., “Advanced wearable thermo-cells for body heat harvesting”, Advanced Energy Materials¸ 2020. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202002539

Wong, M. C., Hendrikse, S., Sherrell, P. C., and Ellis, A. V., “Grapevine waste in sustainable hybrid particleboard production”, Waste Management, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.09.007


Ahmed, H., Yang, X., Ehrnst, Y., Jeorje, N. N., Marqus, S., Sherrell, P. C., El Ghazaly, A., Rosen, J., Rezk, A. R., and Yeo, L. Y., “Ultrafast assembly of swordlike Cu3(1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate)n metal-organic framework crystals with exposed active metal sites”, Nanoscale Horizons, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0NH00171F

Yuan, Q., Yu, Y., Sherrell, P. C., Chen, J., and Bi, X., “Fe/Co-based Bimetallic MOF-derived Co3Fe7@NCNTFs Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for High-Efficiency Overall Water Splitting”, Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/asia.202000321

Shepelin, N. A., Sherrell, P. C., Goudeli, E., Skountzos, E. N., Lussini, V. C., Dicinoski, G. W., Shapter, J. G., and Ellis, A. V., “Printed recyclable and self-poled polymer piezoelectric generators through single-walled carbon nanotube templating”. Energy & Environmental Science, 2020. 13(3): p. 868-883.

Bokhari, S., Siddique, A. H., Sherrell, P. C., Karumbaiah, K. M., Yue, X., Wei, S., Ellis, A. V., and Gao, W., “Advances in Graphene-based Supercapacitor Electrodes”, Energy Reports, 2020. 6: p. 2768-2784

Li, M., Wang, H., Luo, W., Sherrell, P. C., Chen, J., and Yang, J., “Heterogeneous Single-Atom Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction”, Advanced Materials, 2020, 10.1002/adma.202001848

Lin, L., Sherrell, P. C., Liu, Y., Lei, W., Zhang, S., Zhang, H., Wallace, G. G., and Chen, J., “Engineered 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides—A Vision of Viable Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Catalysis”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2020. 10(16): p. 1903870.


Sherrell, P. C., Palczynski, P., Sokolikova, M. S., Reale, F., Pesci, F. M., Och, M., and Mattevi, C., “Large-Area CVD MoS2/WS2 Heterojunctions as a Photoelectrocatalyst for Salt-Water Oxidation”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019. 2(8): p. 5877-5882.

Sokolikova, M. S., Sherrell, P. C., Palczynski, P., Bemmer, V. L., and Mattevi, C., “Direct solution-phase synthesis of 1T’ WSe 2 nanosheets”, Nature Communications, 2019. 10(1): p. 712.


Chong, J. Y., Wang, B., Sherrell, P. C., Pesci, F. M., Mattevi, C., and Li, K., “Fabrication of Graphene-Covered Micro-Tubes for Process Intensification”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019. 21 1900642

Sherrell, P. C., Sharda, K., Grotta, C., Ranalli, J., Sokolikova, M. S., Pesci, F. M., Palczynski, P., Bemmer, V. L., and Mattevi, C., “Thickness-Dependent Characterization of Chemically Exfoliated TiS2 Nanosheets”, ACS Omega, 2018. 3(8): p. 8655-8662.

Cavallaro, A., Pramana, S. S., Ruiz-Trejo, E., Sherrell, P. C., Ware, E., Kilner, J. A., and Skinner, S. J., “Amorphous-cathode-route towards low temperature SOFC”, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2018. 2(4): p. 862-875.

Ali, Z., Islam, A., Sherrell, P. C, Le-Moine, M., Lolas, G., Syrigos, K., Rafat, M., and Jensen, L. D., “Adjustable delivery of pro-angiogenic FGF-2 by Alginate:Collagen microspheres”, Biology Open, 2018. 7(3).

Sherrell, P. C., Cieślar-Pobuda, A., Ejneby, M. S., Sammalisto, L., Gelmi, A., De Muinck, E., Brask, J., Łos, M. J., and Rafat, M., “Rational Design of a Conductive Collagen Heart Patch”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 2017. 17(7).


Sokolikova, M. S., Sherrell, P. C., Palczynski, P., Bemmer, V. L., and Mattevi, C., “Room-temperature growth of colloidal Bi2Te3 nanosheets”, Chemical Communications, 2017. 53(57): p. 8026-8029.


Reale, F., Palczynski, P., Amit, I., Jones, G. F., Mehew, J. D., Bacon, A., Ni, N., Sherrell, P. C., Agnoli, S., Craciun, M. F., Russo, S., and Mattevi, C., “High-Mobility and High-Optical Quality Atomically Thin WS 2”, Scientific Reports, 2017. 7(1).            


Pesci, F. M., Sokolikova, M. S., Grotta, C., Sherrell, P. C., Reale, F., Sharda, K., Ni, N., Palczynski, P., and Mattevi, C., “MoS2/WS2 Heterojunction for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation”, ACS Catalysis, 2017. 7(8): p. 4990-4998.


Sherrell, P. C. and Mattevi, C., “Mesoscale design of multifunctional 3D graphene networks”, Materials Today, 2016. 19(8): p. 428-436.


Sherrell, P. C., Elmén, K., Cieślar-Pobuda, A., Wiecheć, E., Lemoine, M., Arzhangi, Z., Silverå Ejneby, M., Brask, J., Daka, J. N., and Rafat, M., “Cardiac and stem cell-cocooned hybrid microspheres: A multi factorial design approach”, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2016. 236: p. 480-489.


Rafat, M., Xeroudaki, M., Koulikovska, M., Sherrell, P. C., Groth, F., Fagerholm, P., and Lagali, N., “Composite core-and-skirt collagen hydrogels with differential degradation for corneal therapeutic applications”, Biomaterials, 2016. 83: p. 142-155.         


Sherrell, P. C., Thompson, B. C., Wassei, J. K., Gelmi, A. A., Higgins, M. J., Kaner, R. B., and Wallace, G. G., “Maintaining cytocompatibility of biopolymers through a graphene layer for electrical stimulation of nerve cells”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2014. 24(6): p. 769-776.


Boonprakob, N., Wetchakun, N., Phanichphant, S., Waxler, D., Sherrell, P. C., Nattestad, A., Chen, J., and Inceesungvorn, B., “Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4/TiO2 films”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2014. 417: p. 402-409.


Flexer, V., Chen, J., Donose, B. C., Sherrell, P. C., Wallace, G. G., and Keller, J., “The nanostructure of three-dimensional scaffolds enhances the current density of microbial bioelectrochemical systems”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2013. 6(4): p. 1291-1298.       


Niu, Z., Liu, L., Sherrell, P. C., Chen, J., and Chen, X., Flexible supercapacitors - Development of bendable carbon architectures, in ACS Symposium Series. 2013. p. 101-141.


Sherrell, P. C., Zhang, W., Zhao, J., Wallace, G. G., Chen, J., and Minett, A. I., “Microwave decoration of Pt nanoparticles on entangled 3D carbon nanotube architectures as PEM fuel cell cathode”, ChemSusChem, 2012. 5(7): p. 1233-1240.


Zhao, J., Zhang, W., Sherrell, P. C., Razal, J. M., Huang, X.-F., Minett, A. I., and Chen, J., “Carbon nanotube nanoweb-bioelectrode for highly selective dopamine sensing”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012. 4(1): p. 44-48.


Antiohos, D., Folkes, G., Sherrell, P. C., Ashraf, S., Wallace, G. G., Aitchison, P., Harris, A. T., Chen, J., and Minett, A. I., “Compositional effects of PEDOT-PSS/single walled carbon nanotube films on supercapacitor device performance”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011. 21(40): p. 15987-15994.


Sherrell, P. C., Chen, J., Razal, J. M., Nevirkovets, I. P., Crean, C., Wallace, G. G., and Minett, A. I., “Advanced microwave-assisted production of hybrid electrodes for energy applications”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2010. 3(12): p. 1979-1984.


Dennany, L.,* Sherrell, P. C.,* Chen, J., Innis, P. C., Wallace, G. G., and Minett, A. I., “EPR characterisation of platinum nanoparticle functionalised carbon nanotube hybrid materials”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010. 12(16): p. 4135-4141.


Zhang, W.,* Sherrell, P. C.,* Minett, A. I., Razal, J. M., and Chen, J., “Carbon nanotube architectures as catalyst supports for proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2010. 3(9): p. 1286-1293.


Sherrell, P., Chen J., Wallace, G. G., Minett, A. I., “Towards Novel Entangled Carbon Nanotube Composite Electrodes”. In Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanobelts and Nanocoils - Promise, Expectations and Status, Bandaru, P. R.; Eds. Materials Research Society: Warrendale, 2009; Vol. 1142, pp 11-16.


Chen, J., Minett, A. I., Liu, Y., Lynam, C., Sherrell, P. C., Wang, C., and Wallace, G. G., “Direct growth of flexible carbon nanotube electrodes”, Advanced Materials, 2008. 20(3): p. 566-570.

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